Thursday, September 29, 2016

Shit The Road: The South

The Boston Shit Show continues the long, arduous trip across the United States. From Boston to Philadelphia, and now down into the South. The dirty, dirty, scary South. Passing through the virtual nothingness of West Virginia, the Bourbon Trail of Kentucky, the musical roots of Tennessee, the even more nothingness of Arkansas, and the unique history and way of life in Texas, the trip has provided more than enough entertainment for the Boston Shit Show and anyone who watches this finest episode. This is right up there with Foder's Travel Guides--if you're ever planning a trip across the country, trust in your old friend the Boston Shit Show to help you learn the do's, but mostly the don'ts, of the trip. The interesting thing is, Josh is now officially NSFW in about 10 States. But they each earned it.
Goddamn Philly Cheesesteaks though, right? WTF?
We hope you enjoy this unique look at some of the heartiest parts of the country you live in but have never seen for yourself.

Boston Shit Show: Shit The Road: The South

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Shit The Road: Philadelphia

Episode one, if you haven't caught on yet, is the trip through Philadelphia.
Josh explores and tries to appreciate the rich local history, including Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, the first US Mint (which doesn't allow cameras) and The Cheesesteak.

He doesn't get very far, and walks away with a complete misunderstanding of pretty much all of it. 

He does end up getting to see the Mint, which is not operational that day.
"I went to the Mint and it was shut down. It wasn't making any cents."

When you're done vomiting the shitty pun, watch Shit The Road Episode 1: Philadelphia!