Thursday, December 8, 2016

Livin' the Dream

This episode of the Boston Shit Show dives deep into the subconscious of Josh... or does it?

Please share, retweet and let us know what you think.


Follow the Boston Shit Show @BostonShitShow on the Twitters, the Instagrams and on TheFacebook. Please send any feedback to, or feel free to keep it to yourself.
Thanks for watching!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Dyeing with Rick Shapiro

The Boston Shit Show has reached the left coast and catches up with legendary comedian Rick Shapiro as he is recovering from breaking his ribs.
Josh takes on the task of dyeing Rick's hair to help  Rick get ready for his East Coast tour, coming up in November.  
See where Josh goes around the LA area and meet some characters he meets in his travels. 


For more information and Rick Shapiro's tour dates, go to RickShapiro.TV and follow him on the Twitters @rickshapirotv.
Follow The Boston Shit Show on the Instagrams, the Facebooks and the Twitters (click the links)

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Shit The Road: The South

The Boston Shit Show continues the long, arduous trip across the United States. From Boston to Philadelphia, and now down into the South. The dirty, dirty, scary South. Passing through the virtual nothingness of West Virginia, the Bourbon Trail of Kentucky, the musical roots of Tennessee, the even more nothingness of Arkansas, and the unique history and way of life in Texas, the trip has provided more than enough entertainment for the Boston Shit Show and anyone who watches this finest episode. This is right up there with Foder's Travel Guides--if you're ever planning a trip across the country, trust in your old friend the Boston Shit Show to help you learn the do's, but mostly the don'ts, of the trip. The interesting thing is, Josh is now officially NSFW in about 10 States. But they each earned it.
Goddamn Philly Cheesesteaks though, right? WTF?
We hope you enjoy this unique look at some of the heartiest parts of the country you live in but have never seen for yourself.

Boston Shit Show: Shit The Road: The South

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Shit The Road: Philadelphia

Episode one, if you haven't caught on yet, is the trip through Philadelphia.
Josh explores and tries to appreciate the rich local history, including Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, the first US Mint (which doesn't allow cameras) and The Cheesesteak.

He doesn't get very far, and walks away with a complete misunderstanding of pretty much all of it. 

He does end up getting to see the Mint, which is not operational that day.
"I went to the Mint and it was shut down. It wasn't making any cents."

When you're done vomiting the shitty pun, watch Shit The Road Episode 1: Philadelphia!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

NO YES ANDS with Al Park

Josh with Al Park

This episode of The Boston Shit Show features Al Park, named "Boston's Best Comic" by The Improper Bostonian.

Al tells Josh about winning the Boston Comedy Festival, the Cleveland Comedy Festival, being a finalist in the Seattle International Comedy Competition, starting comedy later in life, after years of counting trees in Oregon and working in kitchens.
Josh and Al compare the work that goes into stand up vs. that of improv, and Josh proclaims that he truly hates improv after having tried it. 
They talk about taking classes in standup and what kind of jokes fly when you're first starting out; they compare comedy to performing music, specifically the cello.

They compare famous dead comics, and Josh tells a story about why his parents hate George Carlin. Al talks about burning the material after doing a big special, and they talk about Chris Rock hosting the Oscars.

Al has done some weird shows, including a bonfire on a karaoke machine with a 3-foot cord and everyone with their backs to him.

Watch Boston Shit Show S2E14 No Yes Ands with Al Park

Check out Al Park at, and follow him on the Twitters @alparkcomedy!
Follow Josh on Twitters, Instagram and Facebook

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Summer Disappointments & Periscope Trolls

The Summer movie lineup has Josh going completely BULLSHIT.
With nothing but remakes and other unoriginality coming, Josh proclaims that this Summer is the most cinematically disappointing shit show EVER. The episode was broadcast live on Periscope, and Josh has to deal with some a heckling viewer.

Watch The Boston Shit Show S2E12 Below

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Fuck You, Buzzy Cohen!

This episode of The Boston Shit Show is JEOPARDY!-themed, and an anti-tribute to the cocky piece of smart shit that is now-Jeopardy Champion, Buzzy Cohen.

The show starts out with Josh inexplicably dressed like an Armenian pimp. Then he gives a half-assed explanation; and he still has the gout. 
PA Sue gets into the news, which is that Alex Trebek is getting pissed off at a reigning champion, Buzzy Cohen.
Josh and PAS discuss this prick, Josh trying out for JEOPARDY! (HINT: He definitely didn't make it on the show, and he's unsubtle about it) and how much of a HERO Trebek is.
They get into Buzzy Cohen's "training" to be a Jeopardy Champion, and how he used his runaway victories in Final Jeopardy to quote Darrell Hammond's Sean Connery impersonation to insult his host. 
Conversation about Ken Jennings and Watson sparks a contest question for you kind fans... 
Email with some semblance of a response (IN THE FORM OF A QUESTION, YOU FUCKS) for
a shot at winning 
a Limited Edition Boston Shit Show T-Shirt!!!
Josh comes up with the greatest revenge comic book movie trilogy EVER.

Finally, PA Sue goes into a racist rant about Asian parking spaces, and then drops a bad news bomb on Josh at the last moment.


Click to follow on the Twitters, the Instagrams and the Facebook!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Blended Beef & Cumpuns

For the 5 year anniversary of Josh's first time doing stand up, Matt Miller comes into the Front Room and, off the bat, points out that Josh hasn't done stand up in a minute.

Josh brings up that he felt a "beef" with another comic at one of his last shows, and that part of the reason he's shied away from the stage is to avoid the drama bullshit. He then reveals the phenomenon of people always hating him when they first meet him.

Josh and Matt reminisce about Howard Stern on E! and how it kind of framed the BSS.
Josh talks about how Matt was one of the first friends he made while entering the stand up comedy community in Boston.
They discuss the failed Fran's Place Saturday show that Matt frequented and performed Josh's favorite bit of his, the "cum puns".
Matt talks about his Youtube successes, and they watch one of his most popular videos, "Bobby Banks's Butt Camp".

Matt calls up the Citizen Kane of infomercials, The Magic Bullet.  Josh, Matt and PA Sue point out the absurdity of the cooking methods in the Magic Bullet kitchen.

A little bit about the gout, because Josh got the gout.  Matt shares his secret to weight loss: DANCING WHILE DRUNK (we looked into it, it works). Credits roll while PA Sue does a news story about Google Flypaper for the Google car.

Follow Matt Miller on the Twitters @MattMillerReal and check out his funny pages at

BSS S2E10: Blended Beef & Cumpuns

Monday, May 9, 2016

Indiana GMOs and the RECZ

This episode of the Boston Shit Show is a trilogy, Indiana GMOs and the RECZ
(Remade Earffel Centipede Zeppelin).

Part 1: If It Ain't Broke...
In Part 1 of the trilogy, Josh gets some bad news about something iconic being removed from Walt Disney World. He then shares his dislike of anyone who refers to Disney MGM Studios as "Disney Hollywood Studios". 
A brief conversation about the Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular, Sue drops the bomb that Chris Pratt is in a remake of Raiders of the Lost Ark; Josh completely loses his shit about remaking movies.

Part 1: If It Ain't Broke

Part 2: Zep and NOT Caterpillar
A teacher is in hot water after showing Human Centipede 2 to their class, but Josh contends that every teacher should get a few free passes on movie day because the students are assholes, and laments not having worked harder at being the class clown in high school. Josh postulates on which position in the Centipede would be worst.
Josh and PA Sue begin a track of misspeaking, saying "Human Caterpillar 2" rather than "Human Centipede 2" ("THC2").
Josh gets overly frustrated that people abbreviate everything they say when oftentimes it would save more time to just say the actual words. WTF.
PA Sue brings Josh up to speed on the lawsuit against Led Zeppelin over stealing the riff for Stairway To Heaven.  Josh makes an incredible analogy between music and the Rubix Cube.

Part 2: Zep and NOT Caterpillar

Part 3: The GMO Part
Josh announces PA Sue W. Bush's planned candidacy for an undisclosed public office.
There's a story about iodine being distributed in Belgium because they run on "nucular" power and their reactors are at critical levels. This somehow progresses into a discussion about how all food nowadays needs to be something-free. Fuckin' vegan hippies. PA Sue explains the GMO situation (as best she can) and Josh plays devil's advocate on the side on Monsanto. He explains that their creation of GMOs is the epitome of capitalism.
PA questions Josh's survival skills, then explains that stupid/uneducated people don't know to watch out for GMO products, and Josh fights back with a Darwinistic point of view.
PA Sue then brings up an Indian "Fuck Temple" she visited, allowing Josh to bring it full circle.

Part 3: The GMO Part

Follow the show on the Twitters @BostonShitShow

Friday, April 29, 2016

The Boston Seder Show

This episode of the Boston Shit Show is a piece of the first installment of the new series

The Conversion to Judaism of Charles Rivers

Josh begins showing Charles Rivers (and PA Sue) the ways of the Chosen People, and performs his own version of the Seder and the story of Passover.
Needless to say, it's... well... a total Shit Show.


Sunday, April 24, 2016

Marky Markathon, NASAholes, Fuckbots with John "The Surgeon" Loftus

This episode of the Boston Shit Show features guest and good friend of the show John "The Surgeon" Loftus of the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism.

The Shit Show jumps right into some news stories.

People are upset that Mark Wahlberg was filming his next movie at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, and want him to donate his salary for the movie to the victims of the bombing. Josh is upset that these people exist.

Something is seen in some NASA footage, and Josh launches into a tirade about people that doubt things published by the Administration.

Finally, the Japanese invention of virtual reality sex robots is pretty much a gift from GOD.


Sunday, April 17, 2016

For Heathen Eyes Only: Welcome To BSS VIDEO

The Boston Shit Show, The Way It Was Meant To Be.

Welcome inside the Front Room! For the first time ever, you're welcome to let your eyes appreciate a true Shit Show, and let them catch up to what your ears have been enjoying for years. 

Josh and PA Sue discuss trending stories.  Josh flaunts his ability to rant on benign issues that will not leave you wondering how he truly feels about these topics.  They talk about Flea playing the National Anthem at Kobe Bryant's final NBA game, and Josh defends Flea citing other celebrities who have previously botched the "Anthem".

What do you think about Drones that shoot out nets to stop other drones that may be used during the Boston Marathon? See what Josh thinks about these drones and more about the newest baby giraffe born at the Sacramento Zoo; fucking Rhinos and the Dodo. The Shit Show wraps up with a discussion about the #1 Rated breakfast cereal in America. Josh is upset.
Enjoy the brand new Boston Shit Show!

Saturday, April 9, 2016


It's a HOT political season, and the long overdue debate over which of our favorite candies is best has finally broken out.

After completing Part 1 of the debate, the Voting Panel was so fucked up on sugar that the previously stated categories were pretty much abandoned, but here are the candies that ran for best ever:
Kit Kat
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
(along with Corrections Officers' Chewing Tobacco)
Milk Duds
Junior Mints
York Peppermint Patty

Each Candydate is reviewed in great detail by the panel, which consistently turns into a rant, a rave, a raging argument, and/or some reminiscing by at least one member of the group. 

Check out Matt Kona's Roast Battle Boston V Best of the Best April 28th at the Davis Sq. Theater 
Follow Matt Kona on the Instagrams @Matt Kona and on the Twitters @MattKona

Follow Tommy Williams on the Twitters @Tommy_Odeed and on the Instagrams @Tommy_O_Deed


Tuesday, March 29, 2016


It's a HOT political season, and the long overdue debate over which of our favorite candies is best has finally broken out.

Each Candydate was categorized into the following groups, and rated from 1-10 by each voter.

Regular Chocolate
Hershey's Symphony

3 Musketeers
Milky Way
100 Grand
Baby Ruth

Almond Joy

Each Candydate is reviewed in great detail by the panel, which consistently turns into a rant, a rave, a raging argument, and/or some reminiscing by at least one member of the group. 

Check out Matt Kona's Roast Battle Boston IV Thursday, March 31 at the Davis Sq. Theater 
Follow Matt Kona on the Instagrams @Matt Kona and on the Twitters @MattKona

Follow Tommy Williams on the Twitters @Tommy_Odeed and on the Instagrams @Tommy_O_Deed


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Dana Jay Bein & Tommy "O'Deed" Williams

This episode of the Boston Shit Show features guests Dana Jay Bein and Tommy Williams.

Dana Jay Bein comes by to promote the release of his stand up special, Western MAsochist.
Tommy Williams joins to talk about beginning his stand up career, with some thanks to DJB and Improv Boston's 100 First Jokes V.

Tommy regales us with a tale that can only be referred to as O'Deed's Eleven, when he helped organize and execute the perfect heist... of a movie theater.

DJB recaps his part in Roast Battle Boston and gives some advice on performing comedy, which dovetails nicely into a conversation about the great art of Karaokin'.

Josh declares Rocket Queen is the best GNR song as it's more of a two-act play than just a song.

The guys move on to Axl Rose's and Vince Neil's aging bodies, some hair band sex tapes, music from the 70's and Elvis.

Boston Shit Show - S2 E3
Dana Jay Bein and Tommy Williams

Get Dana Jay Bein's Western MAsochist available February 14, go to for details and follow him on the Twitters @danajaybein.
Listen to  Tommy Williams on The Good American live on Fridays 11a-1p.
Follow Josh on the Twitters @BostonShitShow and on the Instagrams @BostonShitShow!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Matt Kona

This episode of the Boston Shit Show features the incredibly hilarious comedian Matt Kona, dropping by to plug his Roast Battle Boston coming up this Thursday!

Matt Kona comes by the Front Room studio to talk about the upcoming Roast Battle he's put together, going down this Thursday, January 28th at the Davis Square Theater in Somerville, MA. Josh and Matt discuss the format of the battle and how he matched up the contenders. 
The guys take a couple pokes at Chris Nakis, who mysteriously lammed it out of Boston.

The question of what sitcoms you wish you could have been on arises and some classics are discussed, leading into a conversation about the many brilliant projects of Ricky Gervais & Co.

Matt tells the story of how doing a 90-second set got him a spot opening for Craig Robinson (of The Office) at the Wilbur Theater in Boston.

Some classic Roasts and Roasters are discussed; they get back to the format of the Roast Battle with specifics on the comics and as if they were part of Matt's new found love, the MMA/UFC, and how the Battle is "No Holds Barred" - everything is roastable!
The show closes up with Matt talking about serving Grand Jury duty in Salem...

Boston Shit Show - S2 E2 - Matt Kona

Check back here soon for the bonus, full-length BSS Wipe-Up episode!

Be sure to follow Matt Kona on the Twitters @MattKona, listen to his podcast MMAniacs on iTunes and check out his website
Get your tickets to the Roast Battle HERE!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016



Fortunately and appropriately enough, to kick off Season 2 of the Boston Shit Show, the amazing, unique and beautiful Terence Pennington, Jr. comes into the Front Room Studio to discuss new year resolutions, among other things, for the inaugural 2016 episode.

To kick the whole Shit Show off, Josh and Terence talk about performing at "100 First Jokes V" at Improv Boston (produced and hosted by the heroic Dana Jay Bein) on New Year's Day and the writing collaboration of Terence's first joke of the new year. We hear some background about Terence witnessing the police shooting of an innocent dog in the projects and how there actuallyare very lovely public parks in every area. Some horrible Google-ing enSues--for like, the whole show.

Terence does his impersonation of Josh's Andrew Dice Clay-inspired character, Andrew Dice Cambridge, which has finally been published in the Boston Institute for Non-Profit Journalism technology (, etc.) publication The Boston Bubble.

The New Year resolutions finally come out. Terence wants to step it up with the ladies and get one for more than a few months, now that he knows what he wants; Josh claims he's going to get back into stand up in addition to doing this ridiculous podcast;

The Italian plumbers under the Front Room warp their way into the podcast zone.

Terence prompts Josh to make a resolution to stop dating "psychopaths", and they both want to start saving some money. 

Josh explains why he doesn't donate his old clothes to Goodwill; the fellas reminisce about the good old days of the King's Open Mic, and lament the musicians that performed there.

The goddamn infamous Josh v. Chinese woman story comes up, BECAUSE THEY'RE OPEN! FACT!
Josh proposes a new holiday schedule for America, then brings up that "Black Lives Matter" had to become a phrase to get attention yet people are still obsessed with reality TV stars and what the fucking Kardashians are doing ALL DAY, EVERY DAY.

BOSTON SHIT SHOW Season 2 Episode 1: Happy New Year with Terence Pennington Jr.

Follow Terence Pennington, Jr. on the Twitters @terencepen and follow Josh and the Shit Show @bostonshitshow on Twitters, @bostonshitshow on Instagram and on Facebook